The first thirty years of Huna Totem were hard. No one really knew what to expect or how to begin operating a business, especially a for-profit corporation that would be expected to compete on a national and global scale. It has been said that every ANCSA Corporation was expected to fail. Failure has never been an option for the Xúna people. Since time immemorial, we have thrived, even in the harshest environment and under the most extreme conditions. It is amazing to me to see how far we have come since those first thirty years. In my opinion, Huna Totem has probably done the best of the village corporations. We persevered with the 1996 acquisition of the cannery property, forging a new path in unfamiliar territory by developing our Icy Strait Point into an award-winning, world-class tour port. Leading the way–this is what we have always done, and because of it, our future is bright!
Current HTC Boards & Committees
• Secretary & Board Member, Huna Totem Corporation
• Secretary & Trustee, HTC Shareholders Settlement Trust & Elders’ Benefit Trust
• Vice Chair & Trustee, Huna Heritage Foundation
• HTC Committees: Executive, Policies (Chair), Shareholders
• Elected to current term 2022; Term expires 2025
• First elected to Board of Directors 1982
Current Employment & Other Boards
• Retired
• US Army Veteran
• Commander of the SE Alaska Native Veterans
• Member ANB Camp 12
• Juneau Tlingit & Haida Community Council Member
• Director, Chair of National 477 Workgroup
• President, ANB Camp 70
• Treasurer, Huna Totem Corporation
• Grand Marshall of the Juneau July 4, 2000 Parade