9 Close-Knit Towns to Visit in Alaska

November 13, 2024

Big in the wilderness and formidable in landscape features, Alaska also contains small, tight-knit communities where history, culture, and nature remain perfectly preserved. Because the formidable Alaskan landscapes have fewer than one person per square mile, towns and villages in the state have residents that forge relationships as enduring as the mountain chains and rivers here. Beyond the big towns, name any other city in Alaska, and it has something unique to say, be it about the Gold Rush, Native Alaskan’s heritage, or just plain everyday survival. From the end of the Iditarod in Nome to the artist haven of Ester, tradition, regard for the land, and welcome hospitality abound. 

Read the full article at: https://www.worldatlas.com/cities/9-close-knit-towns-to-visit-in-alaska.html

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